Spring Violets Recipes

Magical Violet Medicines 

Violet flowers are the first sign of spring! They love snow and colder weather. They smell delicious and increase our joy. They are also high in vitamin C! One of my favorite herbalists, Rosemary Gladstar, taught me this tradition. Fill a glass with spring water and add a violet flower infused with your prayers. Set the glass out in the moonlight overnight to increase the energy, and drink it in the morning when you wake.   


Here are some other ways to play with violet.


Violet Butter

Soften a stick of butter. Mash it with a handful of violet flowers. Add salt, pepper and about a tbsp. of lemon juice to taste. If you prefer a sweeter butter, add honey instead of seasonings. Refrigerate. I also like to add lemon zest, and any other edibles that are up, such as dandelion, mint, and lemon balm!


 Violet Honey or maple syrup

Fill a jar with violet flowers. Add the juice of half a lemon. Shake well. Now fill with honey or maple syrup. This purple sweetness with lift your spirits and is delicious on pancakes, yogurt, or just by the spoonful.  


Violet Candies

This is a fun family project. Go outside and gather your violet flowers. Whip up a few room temperature egg whites. Add 4 - 7 drops of water until the whites are foamy/almost stiff. Dip the violets in the egg whites and then sprinkle sugar on the egg coated violets. Set them to dry on wax paper. This takes a day or two, even in Colorado. If you don't eat them right away, they will last all year stored in a glass jar!  

If you don't have Susun Weed's book Healing Wise, I highly recommend it. Every recipe is delicious and easy to make. You'll delight in Aunt Vi’s Chicken Soup & Violet Vision Salad!


"...as long as the earth can make a spring every year, I can."


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