Spring Yellow Dock Recipes

Yellow Dock & Wild Spring Greens Pesto  

To make the most amazing, nourishing wild pesto, simply take your favorite pesto recipe and substitute tender, fresh yellow dock leaves for some or all of the basil. In addition to yellow dock, consider violet leaves, dandy leaves, mallow leaves, or spring nettles — and soon, wild spinach!

My own yellow dock pesto (which you can order by contacting me) includes olive oil, garlic, pumpkin/sunflower seeds, and sea salt.

Yellow Dock Decoction with Molasses  

Dig several yellow dock roots. Chop into carrot sized slices. Simmer in two quarts of water, depending on how much root you have, for 2 hours. Add 1/8 part molasses. Keep refrigerated. Take 1 to 2 TBS. day to increase your iron, relieve constipation, and stimulate your liver. Use this fresh remedy for up to 3 weeks or until gone. 



Spring Violets Recipes


Spring Dandelion Recipes